Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is the process of bettering a website in several different ways to drive high quality Organic Traffic. By having strong SEO on a site you can increase your organic traffic, lower your Ad spend cost, and increase your conversion rate ultimately leading to more sales.

How Does SEO Work?

Google uses robots to crawl your site. They track everything down to the last pixel and do their best to figure out what your page is about. By using our tools we can track what keywords have the largest amount of volume with the least amount of competition. Pushing you up to in page ranking faster leading to more revenue.

If your site is not optimized Google and other search engines will have a hard time figuring out what your site or page is about. Often times having you rank for keywords that are not related to your products or services in anyway.

You may be targeting the right keywords in general but may not be targeting the rights ones. Going from auto insurance to car insurance can have a very large volume difference causing you to lose or gain hundreds of thousands of potential viewers monthly.

Where Do We Start?

A shiny tower that falls is no tower at all. We start with building out the basics of your website first so Google has an easier time of finding, indexing, and then showing off your great products and services to the right people.

  • Sitemaps
  • robots.txt setup
  • Setup of Internal Linking Strategy
  • Foundational Keyword and Industry Research

Once Google can find your pages its time to start changing the way Google shows you in the Search Engine Results. This can be done by targeting several different areas but by taking a holistic approach we’ll see faster, stronger, and more effective results.

  • Page Load Speed
    • Does your page load in under 2.5 seconds fully?
  • Content
    • If you sell car insurance do you let Google know that you sell car insurance by using the proper coding format for them to easily read your content?
    • Do you let your user find the information quickly on page by having strong, long form (1000+ words) content that gives them a better understanding of the product or your product specifically?
  • Internal Linking
    • Does the structure of your website make it easy for not only your users to find what they are looking for, but does it also make it easy for Google’s robots to find the information it needs to rank you for the right queries and in the right place.
      • The best page in the world that does not link to anything and is not linked to on your site, an “orphan or island page” will not rank at all 99% of the time!

What Results Can We Expect And When?

SEO results become impactful faster or slower depending on the authority of your site, how regularly you’ve maintained and updated the site, and how easy it is for Google to crawl your site. SEO takes anywhere between 3-6 months on average depending on industry and the above to start seeing meaningful impact.

If you are looking for immediate impact check out our Paid Per Click (PPC) marketing option. PPC can see results as quickly as 24 hours.

While PPC is a great option its not long term as soon as you cut spending you lose all of your sales. SEO and organic growth have staying power and continue to scale the longer you continue SEO and push/pivot in the direction of the industry. A 5-10% growth in organic traffic every month compared to last year continued over 5 years is a a 41% compounded growth! Not only have you increased your traffic significantly but your traffic is now higher quality users who are searching for your products compounding sales even more.

When SEO is turned “off” the results continue until Google has made significant enough changes to where you start to fall in ranking or competitors overtake you which takes time.

If you are looking to increase your online traffic. Pay a fraction of what large PPC ad spends will cost you and have long term, sustainable growth contact us here and we’ll conduct a preliminary audit on your site letting you know how we can help.